
cTrader Support for FX DailyRange

We are pleased to announce that our FX DailyRange indicator will be supporting cTrader later this year.

Over the past 6 months we have seen a huge increase in requests for cTrader support in our products. We always listen very closely to user feeback, however the requests for cTrader support has been nothing short of overwhelming, which is why we are now working on supporting cTrader in all our products.

We don’t have a release date yet for cTrader support for FX DailyRange, however it wil be announced shortly.

cTrader Support for FX Synergy

A few weeks ago we asked everyone what trading platform they felt FX Synergy should suppot next, and the #1 answer was cTrader.

We are very pleased to announce that FX Synergy will soon be supporting cTrader. If you haven’t heard about cTrader, we highly recommend that you check it out. It’s an absolutely outstanding trading platform, and it’s everything MetaTrader should have been if MetaQuotes had actually bothered to improve the MetaTrader platform over the years. Unlike MetaQuotes, the creators of cTrader are welcoming 3rd party devlopers with open arms.

Next month we are officially releasing FX Synergy 1.5, our industry-leading MT4 Trade Manager.

FX Synergy 1.5 Coming in August

FX Synergy 1.5 will be officially released in August. We don’t have an exact date yet, however we plan on releasing it in 4-6 weeks.

This latest version of FX Synergy includes a number of updates and new features:

Dual Connection. Connect to your account(s) with either direct connection or the classic template connection. This offers a fail-safe should direct connection be affected temporarily by MT4 updates.
News/Suspend. Automatically suspend pending orders during news accouncements.
Symbol Groups. Each account tab can show grouped symbols, e.g. one group with USD pairs, another with CHF, etc. Will make it a lot easier to select symbols.
Account History. We are adding a History tab so you can see closed orders as well. Especially useful with direct connection.

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Free Risk Management Software

We are very pleased to accounce the release of Risk Manager, a free risk management application to help traders better understand their risk when trading. The risk management software is absolutely free and is very easy to use. Simply enter a few trade parameters and the software will tell you exactly what you are risking. This tool will be built in to the next FX Synergy update for your convenience.

The Future of FX Synergy

FX Synergy was originally designed due to the lack of features in MT4, however it has always been our plan to include support for multiple platforms, and not only support MT4. We get requests every week from traders using other platforms who wish to use FX Synergy in their trading, so we are very much aware of the need to support multiple platforms. Until last week, we had focused primarily on adding features, as we have a long list of feature we’d like to add before adding multiple platforms.

Earlier this year we released a beta version of FX Synergy 1.5, which connects directly to the broker’s MT4 server, just as the MT4 terminal does. This offers one major advantage: If you are trading multiple accounts you don’t need to have an MT4 terminal running per account. Secondly, if you are a scalper, it shaves off a few milliseconds in execution time. We have been working on finalizing FX Synergy 1.5 for the past 2 months, so we could release it officially.

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