Direct Connect Multiple Accounts

FX Synergy can manage unlimited accounts using direct connection. Your computer hardware and resources will determine the actual limit.

Step 1: Add Account
  • Go to SettingsAccounts. Use the top row to add the new account.

Multiple Accounts

  • Name: Give the account a name. This is your own reference.
  • Account: Enter the account number.
  • Password: Enter the account password.
  • Server: Select the server for the account. If the server you need is not listed, please go to Step 2.
  • To add the new account to the list, click somewhere in the white space below the top row.
  • Close the Settings window.

You have now setup the account in FX Synergy. If the account does not connect, please proceed to Step 3.

Step 2: Select Server (Optional)
The servers listed for accounts are imported from the MT4 terminal. If the server you need is not listed, you need to tell FX Synergy which MT4 terminal to import the servers from.

  • Click Manage Terminals at the bottom left.

Terminal Manager

  • If the MT4 terminal is already listed: Click in the Servers cell next to the terminal, and select the server you need.
  • If the MT4 terminal is not listed: Click Add Terminal and select it. If it’s not found automatically, click Browse to manually specify the location. When the MT4 terminal is selected, click OK.
  • Click in the Servers cell next to the new terminal, and select the server you need.

Now you can close the Terminal Manager, and go back to Step 1 and select the right server for the account.

Step 3: Custom Server (Optional)
In some cases the servers loaded from the MT4 terminal doesn’t work. If the account number, password and server is correct but the account still doesn’t connect, you need to use the Custom Server option to manually specify the MT4 server.
You will need the hostname or IP address of the MT4 server. Your broker can give you this information. If they don’t have it listed on their website or client portal, simply ask them for the hostname or IP address of the MT4 server that your account belongs to.

  • Go to SettingsAccounts.
  • Click Custom Servers at the bottom left. Use the top row to add a new custom server.

Custom Servers

  • Name: Give the server a name. This is your own reference.
  • Host: Enter the hostname or IP address of the server.
  • Port: Don’t change the port, unless specified differently by your broker. Most brokers use 443.
  • To add the new server to the list, click somewhere in the white space below the top row.

With the custom server added to the list, simply close the Custom Servers window and select the new server for the account.

If your broker is paranoid, and doesn’t want to give you the hostname or IP address of the server, proceed to Step 4.

Step 4: Finding the IP Address (Optional)
You can easily find the IP address of the MT4 server, which is just as good as the hostname, by looking at what IP address the MT4 terminal is connected to.
To do this, use the Windows Resource Monitor by following the steps below:

  • Go to All ProgramsAccessoriesSystem ToolsResource Monitor.
  • Click the Network tab.
  • Use the checkbox to filter by application. Select terminal.exe.
  • Look under TCP ConnectionsRemote Address. Now you have the IP address of the MT4 server.

With the IP address of the MT4 server in hand, go back to Step 3.

If you need to connect more accounts, simply repeat the required steps above for each account.

When you have completed the steps above, your account should be connected to FX Synergy. If for some reason it’s not connected, please see Direct Connection Trouble-Shooting.